Quran is the Holy Scripture that Muslims use to follow. But the problem is there are also English speaking Muslims who are not able to read the Quran which is most of the time written in Arabic. There are also Muslims who speak other languages and they also face the same sort of problem. To eliminate this problem, Quran is now coming in different languages. And by reading the Quran and by following its guidelines, you can live an actual Muslim life easily. Quran also helps you to know more about the Prophets who have taken Islam to the next level and made this religion popular across the globe.

· Collect daily wisdom
By reading Quran you will also know what Allah likes and what doesn’t. And this is also the book that will help you to collect more wisdom. For this you should buy the daily wisdom selections from the holy Quran now. This is a kind of book which helps you collect some wisdom on a daily basis and for 365 days in the year. As collecting and searching for the wisdom is vital for just any Muslim out there, by reading this book you can receive a great level of help in this regard,
· It makes Quran recitation easier
When you want to recite and read the Quran properly and easily, you should follow the Tajweed Quran in English. It’s the kind of recitation related help that such Quran brings for you. This really makes the Quran reading and recitation easier. As this comes in English now, it has become easier for you to read and recite this book.