This pleasant hardback book consists of vibrantly illustrated tales of the prophets. Migo and ali love for the prophets consists of vibrantly illustrated tales of the prophets. These tales are concise, and informed in engaging, child-pleasant language. A pleasant query and solution consultation after every tale is likewise precise in its style, depicted as a communication among the 2 lovely characters. Ali quite an awful lot asks Migo the questions in order to be in your child’s mind.

In the book “Mijo and Ali’s Love for the Prophets”, the author reviewed the tales of the prophets in a laugh manner that made Migo the man or woman of the narrator, and Ali a listener, at the same time as Migo tells the tale, and Ali keeps to invite questions that regularly come to the child’s mind, then are answered, and the relaxation of the tales keep in the equal pattern.
In every other book stories of the Prophets, the writer sheds mild on the coolest Islamic morals with a chain of 12 tales under the title.
Getting to know approximately its interpretation and the motives for its revelation, abiding via way of means of the orders located in it, coaching it and calling the trustworthy to it. So via way of means of studying and reflecting over the Quran, one fulfils an responsibility and is rewarded for it. Upon enjoyable this responsibility, the Quran then turns into a witness for one at the Day of Judgment. Know More